@database "SwazBlanker/Spliner" @master "Spliner.guide" @author David Swasbrook @(c) Copyright (C)1994 David Swasbrook. All Rights Reserved. @$VER: Spliner.guide 1.0 (08.01.95) @INDEX Index @NODE MAIN "Spliner (08.01.95)" SWAZBLANKER : Spliner ===================== (C) 1992-95 David Swasbrook, All Rights Reserved. @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction } What it actually does @{" Interface " LINK Interface } Configuration preferences @{" History " LINK History } Bug fixes and updates @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction "What it actually does..." Splines/Introduction ==================== This blanker blanks the screen. @ENDNODE @NODE Interface "Configuration preferences..." Splines/Interface ================= @{b} Save @{ub}- save and use the current settings. @{b} Use @{ub}- use the current settings. @{b} Test @{ub}- test the blanker under the current settings @{b} Cancel @{ub}- cancel all changes. @{b} Splines @{ub}- number of spliner objects to move around display @{i}Default: 1.@{ui} @{b} Segments @{ub}- number of segments to make up each spline @{i}Default: 20.@{ui} @{b} Tails @{ub}- how many trails of splines follow the spline @{i}Default: 15.@{ui} @{b} Copper List @{ub}- if checked then a copper list will be used to change the color of the text. This may not be available for some screen modes and the gadget will be ghosted to indicate this. In the case that the screen mode does not support copper lists or you do not want to use a copper then the text will have the color cycled. @{i}Default: Yes.@{ui} @{b} Display Mode @{ub}- the screen mode to use. If the preferred screen cannot be opened then the default screen mode will be tried, if this fails then the minimum screen mode required for this blanker will be tried, if that fails then the blanker will quit and let SwazBlanker choose an alternative blank method. @{i}Default: Hi-Resoloution Laced.@{ui} @ENDNODE @NODE History "Bug fixes and updates..." Splines/History =============== `1.0' o Localized @ENDNODE @NODE Index Splines/Index ============= @{" History " LINK History } Bug fixes and updates @{" Interface " LINK Interface } Configuration preferences @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction } What it actually does @ENDNODE